Collectech Systems
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- General Discussions, Registration and Debt Collection-Related News Stories
- ↳ General Discussion
- ↳ News Stories, Articles and Outlines Regarding the FDCPA, Collection Abuses and Debt Collection Issues
- ↳ Social Security and VA [Veterans Administration] Benefits: Can They Be Garnished?
- ↳ Bad Faith Actions: Can Collector Sue You For Fees/Costs?
- ↳ Attorneys: Are They Debt Collectors?
- ↳ Collectors Suing Consumers in the Wrong Venue
- ↳ Least Sophisticated Consumer: What Is It and When Does It Apply?
- ↳ Strict Liability Under the FDCPA
- ↳ Time-Barred Debts: Can These Be Collected On?
- ↳ Threats to Take Action Which Cannot Be Legally Done
- ↳ Harassing, Oppressing or Abusing the Debtor: 15 USC 1692d
- ↳ Unauthorized Practice of Law: Debt Collectors Pretending to be Lawyers or Implying That They Act Like Lawyers
- ↳ Junk Debt Buyers: Who Are They and What Do They Do?
- ↳ Violations of the Automatic Stay and Discharge Order[s] By Debt Collection Acts or Omissions
- ↳ Bad Checks: Collection of Dishonored Checks
- ↳ Demand For Immediate Payment: Is It an FDCPA Violation?
- ↳ Debtor Confusion by Vague or Deceptive Communication
- ↳ Calling Debtors at Work? Calling Friends and Family? Is That Permissible?
- ↳ Mini-Miranda Warning/Notice Mandated By the FDCPA
- ↳ Unjust Enrichment: Louisiana
- ↳ Arrest You? Can a Debt Collector Threaten You With Arrest, Prosecution, etc.?
- ↳ Quotes: On Debt Collection and Its Abuses
- ↳ NARCA: What Is It and What Do They Have to Say?
- ↳ Continuing Legal Education Outlines
- ↳ False Representation That Communication is From an Attorney
- ↳ Other False or Misleading Misrepresentations
- ↳ Unfair Practices By Collectors
- ↳ Collector's Communications With the Debtor and Others
- ↳ Location Information: When and How Can the Collector Contact Debtor or Others to Acquire or Confirm Location Information?
- ↳ Deceptive Forms and Letters: Collector's Use Violates FDCPA
- ↳ Class Actions Under the FDCPA
- ↳ Statute of Limitations [Also Called Prescription Period]: How Long Do Creditors/Collectors Have to Sue You on an Alleged Debt?
- ↳ Excessive Phone Calls, Use of Autodialers and Scripted Messages
- ↳ Pleading Ground Rules: What is Required in Federal Court?
- ↳ Threats to Turn In a 1099-C to the IRS
- ↳ Re-Aging: Debt Collector's Efforts to Revive Obsolete Reportings
- ↳ Can Debt Collectors Curse You or Engage in Name-Calling?
- ↳ FTC Holder Rule: Assignee/Holder of Consumer Credit Contract is Subject to All Claims and Defenses Consumer Has Against Original Seller/Retailer: 16 C
- ↳ Credit Reporting of Unliquidated Claims, Speculative Claims and Unenforceable Claims
- ↳ Debt Collector Misrepresenting Affiliation: 15 U.S.C. 1692e[9]
- ↳ Arbitration, Forum Selection, Choice of Law, Choice of Venue and Other Adhesionary Clauses
- ↳ Additional Collection Fees, Interest, Surcharges and Other Assessments
- ↳ Potential Exposure For Sanctions Due to Filing Bad Faith FDCPA Cases: 15 U.S.C. 1692k[a][3], 28 U.S.C. 1927, and Fed.R.Civ.Proc. 11
- ↳ Collection of Parking Tickets, Traffic Citation Charges, Court Costs and Other Governmentally-Imposed Debts
- The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: Statute and Definitions
- ↳ FDCPA, 15 USC 1692, et. seq.
- ↳ FDCPA: Purposes and Policies
- ↳ Communication: Specifically Defined Under the FDCPA
- ↳ Consumer : Who is a "Consumer"?
- ↳ Creditor : Who is a Creditor Under the FDCPA?
- ↳ Debt: What Constitutes a "Debt" as Defined by the FDCPA? 15 U.S.C. 1692a[5]
- ↳ Debt Collector: Who is a Debt Collector?
- Cease and Desist Letters, Dispute Letters, and Validation Letters
- ↳ Validation Notice Under the FDCPA
- ↳ Dispute Letters to Collectors
- ↳ Cease and Desist: Calling Off the Debt Collection Dogs: How Do You Do It?
- ↳ Envelopes Marked Up
- Types of Damages, Remedies, and Awards Under the FDCPA and Related State Law Claims
- ↳ Jury and Bench Trial Verdicts and Awards
- ↳ Attorneys' Fees, Costs and Other Non-Damage Awards
- ↳ Injunctive Relief: Can I Get It Under the FDCPA?
- ↳ Declaratory Judgment Relief: Can I Get It Under the FDCPA?
- ↳ Damages Available Under the FDCPA
- Jurisdiction, Venue, Removal to Federal Court, Remand to State Court, and Other Jurisdiction Issues
- ↳ Personal Jurisdiction in FDCPA Cases
- ↳ Jurisdiction and Venue: Where Can You Bring Your FDCPA Lawsuit?
- ↳ Removal to Federal Court and Remand to State Court: Important Considerations When Suing or Being Sued: Do You Want to be in Federal Court or State Cou
- Respondeat Superior, Vicarious Liability, and Whether Others Are Liable
- ↳ Vicarious Liability/Respondeat Superior For Violations of the FDCPA
- FDCPA Preemption, Immunity, Bona Fide Error Defense, and Qualified Immunity
- ↳ FDCPA: Preemption of State Laws
- ↳ Bona Fide Error Defense: The Loophole
- Do You Have a Right to Bring Claims and How Long Do You Have?
- ↳ Standing: An Important Question
- ↳ Statute of Limitations: How Long Do You Have to Sue?
- FDCPA Litigation Strategies and Procedural Issues and Law
- ↳ Settlements, Releases, Confidentiality and Other Things You Need to Kow and Consider If You Settle Pre-Trial
- ↳ Offers of Judgment In FDCPA Litigation
- State Debt Collection Statutes, Cases and Laws
- ↳ Alabama: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Alaska: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Arizona: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Arkansas: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ California: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Colorado: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Connecticut: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Delaware: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Florida: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Georgia: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Hawai'i: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Idaho: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Illinois: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Indiana: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Iowa: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Kansas: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Kentucky: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Louisiana: State Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Maine: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Maryland: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Massachusetts: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Michigan: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Minnesota: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Mississippi: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Missouri: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Montana: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Nebraska: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Nevada: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ New Hampshire: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ New Jersey: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ New Mexico: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ New York: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ North Carolina: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ North Dakota: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Ohio: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Oklahoma: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Oregon: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Pennsylvania: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Rhode Island: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ South Carolina: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ South Dakota: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Tennessee: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Texas: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Utah: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Vermont: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Viriginia Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Washington: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ West Virginia: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Wisconsin: Debt Collection Act
- ↳ Wyoming: Debt Collection Act
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: AAAAAA
- ↳ Account Solutions Group
- ↳ Alegis/Sherman Acquisitions/Performance
- ↳ Allied Interstate f/k/a Coldata
- ↳ Allen, Lewis & Associates
- ↳ Alliance One
- ↳ Allstate Financial/Allstate Adjustment
- ↳ Aman Collection Service
- ↳ American Acceptance a/k/a National Acceptance
- ↳ American Coradius
- ↳ American Legal Recovery
- ↳ Ameriquest Recovery Services
- ↳ AMO Recoveries
- ↳ Ariel Financial Services
- ↳ Arrow Financial Services
- ↳ Asta Funding a/k/a Palisades Collections
- ↳ Asset Acceptance Corp.
- ↳ Atlantic Credit & Finance
- ↳ Attention, LLC
- ↳ Apex Financial A/K/A Hilco Receivables
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: BBBBBB
- ↳ Barnes, Curtis a/k/a Calfin a/k/a Con-America
- ↳ Barnford, Thomas a/k/a Elder, Timothy a/k/a Con-America a/k/a CACV/CACH
- ↳ Baumann Law Firm
- ↳ Bay Area Credit Services
- ↳ Bennett & Deloney
- ↳ Boivin, Lawrence Law Firm
- ↳ Booska, Steven Law Offices
- ↳ Boyajian Law Offices
- ↳ Bronson & Migliaccio
- ↳ Buffaloe & Associates
- ↳ Burgess, Douglas Law Offices
- ↳ Burak, Donald Law offices
- ↳ Bureaus Inc.
- ↳ Burke, Edward T. & Associates
- ↳ BOSS: Business Office Systems and Solutions
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: CCCCCC
- ↳ California Financial Credit Association
- ↳ Cambece, James
- ↳ Capital Corporation AKA Capital Collections
- ↳ Capital Management Services
- ↳ Capital One Bank and its Sister Entities [including Westmoreland Agency]
- ↳ Cavalry Portfolio Services
- ↳ Client Services, Inc.
- ↳ Cohen & Slamowitz a/k/a Gemini Recoveries
- ↳ Collect America a/k/a CACV a/k/a CACH
- ↳ CMKS Holdings, LLC a/k/a Stouwie & Mayo, PLLC
- ↳ Coldata Collection Agency
- ↳ Collect Corp.
- ↳ Collectech Systems
- ↳ Collins Law Office
- ↳ Colonial Credit Corp.
- ↳ Colorado Capital Investments
- ↳ Commonwealth Financial Systems
- ↳ Consumer Recovery Associates
- ↳ Continental Credit
- ↳ Collecto, Inc., d/b/a Collection Company of America
- ↳ Continental Fairways
- ↳ Convergys
- ↳ CPS Investigations
- ↳ Credit Collection Service
- ↳ Credit One, LLC
- ↳ Credit Store [The Credit Store]
- ↳ Credit Systems International
- ↳ Creditors Financial Group
- ↳ Creditors Interchange Receivable Management, LLC
- ↳ Capital Recovery Service [CRS]
- ↳ C. Water Recovery
- ↳ Credit Bureau of the South
- ↳ Credit Collections, Inc.
- ↳ Credigy Receivables
- ↳ Cadle Co., Inc.
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: DDDDDD
- ↳ D.C. Credit Services a/k/a David Cohen
- ↳ De Lage Landen Financial Services
- ↳ Daniels & Norelli, P.C. a/k/a Con America
- ↳ DeFede, John A. Esq. [John Defede, Esq.]
- ↳ DeJana, Richard Esq. [Richard DeJana, Esq.
- ↳ Delta Group aka Joseph, Ortiz & Epstein, LLC
- ↳ Dendy, Michael D. Esq.
- ↳ DMG Consulting
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: EEEEEE
- ↳ Ebbets Partners
- ↳ eCast Settlement
- ↳ Elder, Timothy L. / Barnford, Thomas K.
- ↳ Elite Recovery Services, Inc.
- ↳ Ellis Crosby and Associates
- ↳ Encore Receivable Management
- ↳ Endeavor Financial Partners, LLC
- ↳ ER Solutions
- ↳ Eskanos & Adler, PC
- ↳ Estate Recoveries
- ↳ Evans Law Offices
- ↳ ED Fund
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: FFFFFF
- ↳ Financial Credit Services
- ↳ FBCS Federal Bond & Collection Service
- ↳ Federal Credit Corp.
- ↳ Federal Credit Recovery/FCR Offices
- ↳ First Revenue Assurance
- ↳ French, WC (Bill), Law Offices of
- ↳ First Nationwide Resource Group
- ↳ Federal Adjustment Bureau
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: GGGGGG
- ↳ Go-More Financial, Inc.
- ↳ GC Services
- ↳ Gemini Recoveries, Inc.
- ↳ Giove Law Office, P.C.
- ↳ Global Acceptance Credit Company (GACC)
- ↳ Global Asset Investigation Services, LLC
- ↳ General Revenue Corp.
- ↳ Goggins & Lavintman, PA
- ↳ Gulf State Credit
- ↳ Great Seneca Financial Corp.
- ↳ Greenberg, Grant & Richards, Inc.
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: HHHHHH
- ↳ Hanna, Frederick J. & Assoc.
- ↳ Harker, John W. [CACV]
- ↳ Harrison Ross Byck, Esq.
- ↳ Harry Cohn and Scott M. Miller
- ↳ Hosto and Buchan
- ↳ Household Recovery Services Corp.
- ↳ Hudson & Keyse, LLC
- ↳ Hull & Associates, P.C.
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: IIIIII
- ↳ Integrity Resolution Group, LLC
- ↳ International Portfolio Management
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: JJJJJJ
- ↳ Javitch, Block & Rathbone L.L.P.
- ↳ Joseph, Ortiz & Epstein, LLC a/k/a Delta Group
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: KKKKKK
- ↳ Kay, Mitchell N., P.C. [Law Offices]
- ↳ Kravitz, Schnitzer, Sloane, Johnson & Eberhardy, CHTD
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: LLLLLL
- ↳ Lenahan Law Offices
- ↳ Lang, Richert & Patch
- ↳ LDG Financial Services II, LLC
- ↳ Leasecomm Corporation
- ↳ Legal Recovery Services, Inc.
- ↳ LHR, Inc.
- ↳ Love, Beal & Nixon, PC
- ↳ Lowery, Scott P., P.C. a/k/a CACH, LLC
- ↳ LTD Financial Services, L.P.
- ↳ LVNV Funding, LLC
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: MMMMMM
- ↳ Magnus Services, Inc.
- ↳ Mann-Bracken, LLC
- ↳ Marauder Corporation
- ↳ McKelvey Law Office
- ↳ Meadows Law Office - Sheree Meadows
- ↳ Mel S. Harris & Associates
- ↳ Merchant's Credit Guide Co.
- ↳ Messerli & Kramer
- ↳ Midland Credit Management, Inc.
- ↳ Mims, Jerry M., Lawyer
- ↳ Moore, Gerald E. & Associates
- ↳ MRS Associates, Inc.
- ↳ Myers & Porter, Attorneys
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: NNNNNN
- ↳ NCO Financial
- ↳ National Action Financial Services, Inc.
- ↳ National Acceptance
- ↳ National Asset Management
- ↳ National Asset Services Co.
- ↳ National Attorney's Network
- ↳ National Credit Adjusters
- ↳ National Enterprise Systems
- ↳ National Financial Systems
- ↳ National Revenue Corporation
- ↳ Nationwide Capital Recovery
- ↳ Nationwide Credit, Inc.
- ↳ Neuheisel Law Firm, PC
- ↳ New Horizon Credit, Inc.
- ↳ New Vision Financial
- ↳ North Shore Agency
- ↳ North Star Capital Acquisitions, LLC
- ↳ Northeast Credit & Collections
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: OOOOOO
- ↳ Omnia Credit Services
- ↳ O'Neill Management, Inc. Investigators
- ↳ Ozark Capital Corporation
- ↳ OSI/Outsourcing Solutions
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: PPPPPP
- ↳ Performance Capital Management
- ↳ Pacific Coast Collections (Alliance One)
- ↳ Palisades Collections, LLC
- ↳ Penn Credit Corporation
- ↳ Phillips & Burns, LLC
- ↳ Phillips & Cohen Associates, Ltd.
- ↳ Pinnacle Asset & Capital Management Grp, LLC
- ↳ Plaza Associates
- ↳ Portfolio Exchange
- ↳ Portfolio Management of Amherst, LLC.
- ↳ Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC
- ↳ Preferred Platinum Plan
- ↳ Prime Asset Recovery, Inc. /
- ↳ Pro Collect, Inc.
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: QQQQQQ
- ↳ Quadrant Group LLC - The Recycle Shop
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: RRRRRR
- ↳ Ranieri, Christopher, Law Office of
- ↳ RCS Centre Corp.
- ↳ Redline Recovery Services, LLC
- ↳ Regent & Associates, P.C.
- ↳ Resurgent Capital Services / Sherman Acquisitions
- ↳ Reynolds, Jacobson & Sloane, Attorneys
- ↳ Riddle [Jessie Riddle] & Associates
- ↳ Risk Management Alternatives (RMA)
- ↳ RJM Acquisitions, LLC
- ↳ Roach, Larry, Law Offices of
- ↳ Rosenthal & Colby, Inc.
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: SSSSSS
- ↳ Sherman Acquisitions
- ↳ Sagres Company, (the)
- ↳ Scherr, Harold E. , Attorney / Con-America
- ↳ Schreiber and Associates, PC.
- ↳ Shekinah, Inc.
- ↳ Sherman Financial Group/Alegis (SDB)
- ↳ Specified Credit Association
- ↳ Stanley Weinberg & Associates
- ↳ Steinbrenner, Carl A.
- ↳ Stevens & James Debt Collectors
- ↳ Sky Recovery Services
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: TTTTTT
- ↳ Tabula Rasa, Inc.
- ↳ Taylor, Jay A., PC [Jay A. Taylor, Esq.]
- ↳ Titan Recovery Group
- ↳ Transcontinental Adjustment Corp.
- ↳ Trauner Cohen & Thomas f/k/a Trauner King & Cohen
- ↳ Triadvantage Credit Services
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: UUUUUU
- ↳ Unifund Group Corp. a/k/a Unifund CCR Partners, LLC
- ↳ United Creditors
- ↳ United Legal Corp.
- ↳ United Recovery System
- ↳ US Audit Control
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: VVVVVV
- ↳ Van Ru Credit Corp.
- ↳ Varde
- ↳ Vasques, Luis, Attorney [Luis E. Vasques, Esq.]
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: WWWWWW
- ↳ Wexler & Wexler, PA
- ↳ Wolpoff & Abramson, LLP
- ↳ Weltman, Weinberg & Reis
- ↳ Wendt Law Offices
- ↳ West Asset Management
- ↳ Westmoreland Agency [Capital One Bank]
- ↳ Winn and Sims, PC
- ↳ Wolf, Jack, PA [Jack Wolf, Esq.]
- ↳ Wolpoff & Abramson, LLP
- ↳ Wolter, Warren H, Attorney [Warren H. Wolter, Esq.]
- ↳ Worldwide Asset Purchasing, LLC
- ↳ Wright, Makel Ann, Esq. [Makel Ann Wright, Esq.]
- Debt Collection Companies and Attorneys: ZZZZZZ
- ↳ Zenith Acquisitions Corporation
- ↳ Zwicker & Associates, PC
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